Happy JULY!

How is it possible that it’s July already? Time sure does fly and it seems like it goes by faster as we get older.
Thank you for the birthday wishes, text messages, cards and gifts. I am truly touched by your thoughtfulness.
I recently had a conversation with a dear friend and he mentioned that coming to the office each week was part of his “self-care Saturday”. He scheduled his haircut, had a massage and was in the office for his spinal check-up. He also planned on a few hours of rest because not only did he deserve it, it was needed. All of his actions that day were to benefit his total self.
Taking the time to attend to yourself is necessary. You are important. You are worthy of your time. It is so easy to get caught up in the every day that you forget to prioritize yourself. Did you eat healthy meals? Did you get good sleep? Did you let the trivial nonsense take from your happiness?
When making the list of things to do, remember to add those things that fill your cup. Things that are self-care to you. Chiropractic adjustments add to your total well-being. Removing interference to your nerve system is the ultimate self-care. Without a healthy nerve system, your cells, tissues and organs cannot function as they are intended. You have one body. You have “one place” to live! Make the absolute best of it. Thank you for allowing us to be a part of your self-care. See you on your next visit.
Dr. Daria
Dr. Joe
Sasso Family Chiropractic Center News
Happy February!
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Happy January!
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Happy December!!
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Happy November!
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Happy September!
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Happy August!
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Happy July!
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Happy June!
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Happy May!
Well, we are finally experiencing some warmer weather. The A/C was on for about twelve hours and…
Happy April!
We want to thank you for taking the time to read this newsletter. We know you get…